Clinical Quality

Measuring the success of efforts to improve the overall health of the Medicare Fee-for-Service patients we serve is the most critical component of Physicians Healthcare Collaborative's mission. Without the use of real and timely data, we could not provide to you, our patients, the information that you need to understand the impact we can have in working together toward a healthier population and improved healthcare delivery system. We will be measuring ourselves against standards set and utilized by hundreds of other ACOs around the country. This will allow us to not only report data back to you about us but also compare ourselves to other participating ACOs throughout the U.S.

Clinical Quality

For a full description of each of the items measured, you can review the Medicare web site's detailed report.

2019 Reporting Period - Physician's Healthcare Collaborative Quality Measure Results and Comparisons

For additional historical data, see our 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 results.

Measure NumberMeasure NameACO Performance RateMean Performance Rate (SSP ACOs)
ACO-1 2CAHPS: Getting Timely Care, Appointments, and Information 84.2485.86
ACO-2 2CAHPS: How Well Your Providers Communicate 95.0594.11
ACO-3 2CAHPS: Patients’ Rating of Provider 92.9592.68
ACO-4 2CAHPS: Access to Specialists 82.8581.54
ACO-5 2CAHPS: Health Promotion and Education61.4960.44
ACO-6 2CAHPS: Shared Decision Making 69.7162.78
ACO-7 2CAHPS: Health Status/Functional Status 74.8973.79
ACO-34 2CAHPS: Stewardship of Patient Resources 32.3126.17
ACO-45 2CAHPS: Courteous and Helpful Office Staff 94.3392.84
ACO-46 2CAHPS: Care Coordination 88.6686.89
ACO-8 1Risk Standardized, All Condition Readmission15.1114.86
ACO-38 1All-Cause Unplanned Admissions for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions50.6458.15
ACO-43 1Ambulatory Sensitive Condition Acute Composite (AHRQ* Prevention Quality Indicator (PQI #91))1.571.87
ACO-13 2Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk 96.6484.04
ACO-14 2Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization96.2474.77
ACO-17 2Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention96.4978.04
ACO-18 2Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-up Plan80.1570.4
ACO-19 2Colorectal Cancer Screening90.1670.76
ACO-20 2Breast Cancer Screening90.1573.84
ACO-42 2Statin Therapy for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease91.9482.17
ACO-40 1Depression Remission at Twelve Months 30.7715.58
ACO-27 1Diabetes Mellitus: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control 8.4313.88
ACO-28 2Hypertension: Controlling High Blood Pressure 77.875.04

CAHPS = Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
PQI = Prevention Quality Indicator

1 The lower the percentage the better the performance.
2 The higher the percentage the better the performance.